Wednesday 25 July 18
STRENGTH Back Squat 8×2 @87.5% of 1rm 000,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400 WOD For Reps 7 Rounds 1 min on 1 min off 30 DU Remainder of time ME Wall Balls9min AMRAP PEAK 15/12 Calorie Row 5 Power Snatch 180/115 (83/53)
STRENGTH Back Squat 8×2 @87.5% of 1rm 000,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400 WOD For Reps 7 Rounds 1 min on 1 min off 30 DU Remainder of time ME Wall Balls9min AMRAP PEAK 15/12 Calorie Row 5 Power Snatch 180/115 (83/53)
STRENGTH Clean and Jerk 10×1 @90% of 1RM 000,130,300,430,600,730,900, 1030,1200,1330 WOD For Time (10 min cap) 30-20-10 Deadlift @ 50/70 KG 3-2-1 Legless Rope Climbs PEAK Strict Press 4×10@77.5% Inbetween complete: Farmer’s Carry 4×50′ As heavy as possible
STRENGTH Ring Dip 14 min Alternating EMOM Min 1- 5-10 Kipping Ring Dips Min 2- 8 DBL DB Bent Over Rows WOD 15 Min AMRAP 15 DBL DB Box Step Overs 12 Burpees to Target 9 TTB @25/15 @20/16 PEAK Back Squat 5×5@85% of 5RM Back Squat
PARTNER WOD “KELLY” (20 min time cap) 5 Rounds for time Run 400m 30 box jumps 30 wall balls one work one rest including the run REST 3 MINS “DOUBLE FRAN” (10 min time cap) 21/15/9 Thrusters and Pullups one work one rest
STRENGTH Pull up 5×3 Weighted Pull Ups Immediately into 6 BW Pull Ups 000,200,400,600,800 *No prescribed weight WOD 15 Min AMRAP 50 Air Squats 15m HS Walk 5 Burpee Bar MU PEAK Back Squat Find New 5RM Back Squat
STRENGTH Snatch 8×1 @75% of 1RM 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Full snatch 000,130,300,430,600,730,900,1030 *Not touch and go WOD For Time (7 min cap) 21-15-9 Deadlifts TTB @100/70 PEAK For Time (15min CAP) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Muscle Ups *Complete 50 Double Unders before each round of Muscle Ups
STRENGTH Ring Dip 7×3 Weighed Ring Dips 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 WOD 14 min AMRAP 40/30 Cal Row 75 DU 40 Wall Balls 75 DU 20 Squat Cleans 75 DU 10 Jerks @60/42.5 PEAK Strict Press 4×10@75% Inbetween complete: Farmer’s Carry 4×50′ As heavy as possible
STRENGTH Pull Up EMOM 10 mins 5-10 Kipping Pull Ups *Aim for consistency through each set WOD For Time (12-15 mins) 5 Rounds 20 Alt DB Snatch 12 Box Jump Overs @25/15 @24/20 *Athletes must clear the box PEAK AMRAP 8 Minutes 3 Hang-Squat (93/65) Bike 12/7 Calories
STRENGTH Clean and Jerk 8×1 @80% of 1RM 2 Full Cleans + 1 Jerk 000,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400 *Cleans are not touch and go WOD For Time (15 min cap) 1.2k Run 40 Alt Pistol Sqauts 50 Med ball Sit Ups 40 Alt Pistol Squats PEAK Back Squat 5×5@82.5% of 5RM Back Squat
WOD Partner WOD Run 800m together 50 Hang power Cleans 25/40 kg 50 wall ball sit ups 14/20 lbs 50 Box jumps 20/24 50 american KB swings 16/24kg 50 Goblet squats 16/24kg 50 push press 25/40 kg 50 T2B 50 Burpees 50 jumping pull ups 50 front rack lunges 25/40 kg 400m OH plate carry one…