Tuesday 30 May 2017

WOD 24min AMRAP 800m Run 37 Wall Balls 20/14lbs 23 Clean and Jerks 50/30kg * Plyometrics 5 Sets Set = 2 Box Jumps + 2 Broad Jumps Resting 1 Minute Between Rounds * PEAK Strength Circuit 4 Rounds not for time 10 x Seated DB Strict Press – Choose a weight you can achieve 15…

Monday 29 May 2017

Barbell Cycling (Performance EMOM) 9 Min EMOM 2 Power Snatch @70% of 1rm Reps do not have to be touch and go * WOD 5rft (CAP 15 min) 10 Back Rack Lunge 70/47.5kg 5 Bar Muscle Ups/ 10 Hardest version of Pull Up * PEAK Snatch Find 1RM NOTE: Try and get this in before…