Saturday 1 September 2018

WOD  Partner WOD (40min time Cap) one work one rest 2K run (to be done in 200m legs) 50 Hang Power Cleans @35/50kg 50 Push Press @35/50kg 50 T2B 50 box jumps 50 burpees 50 American KB Swings @16/24kg 50 Goblet squats @16/24kg 50 wall ball sit ups 50 Pull Ups 50 Thrusters @35/50kg 2K run (to be…

Friday 31 August 2018

STRENGTH Front Squat 5×5 @80% of 1rm 000,230,500,730,1000 WOD 12 Min AMRAP 12 Cal Row 9 Power Snatch 6 Overhead Squats 3 Rope Climbs @52.5/35 PEAK 2 Sets of 3 intervals of 3min Work: 3min Recovery , rest 8min between sets Interval 1: 3min AMRAP 2 Ring Muscle ups 4 handstand pushups 8 Thrusters 35/25…