Friday 7 February 2020

Core Midline 8x 30 Second side plank Rest 15 seconds between sets (Change sides each time) * WOD 15 Min AMRAP 10 Ring Dip 12 Front Rack Lunge 200m Run @42.5/30kg * PEAK Front Squat 5×4 tempo front squats (3 seconds down) @75%-80% of 1RM *5kgs heavier than last week  

Thursday 6 February 2020

Strength Paused Deadlifts 5×3 @65% of 1rm 000,230,500,730,1000 *Pausing above the knee 3 seconds * WOD For Time (12-15 min cap) 7 Rounds 5 Deadlift 7 DBL DB Hang Power Cleans 9 HSPU @100/70kg @25/15kg * PEAK 8min AMRAP 5 Power Snatch (42.5/30) 7 Thrusters (42.5/30) 9 chest to bar Pull-ups

Monday 3 February 2020

Strength Push Press 5×3 Heavy + 5 Negative push ups 000,230,500,730,1000 *No ‘rebounding’ *Allow 7 mins to build to weight * WOD For Time (14 min cap) 10 Rounds 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 Deficit Push Ups Immediately into 500m Row For Time *use 20/10kg plates * PEAK Deadlifts 5×5 deadlift @75% – 80% of…