Wednesday 8 August 18
STRENGTH HSPU EMOM 10 mins 3-7 Strict HSPU *Athletes pick a number and work on consistency WOD For Time Nancy 5 Rounds 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats @42.5/30 PEAK Back Squat 5×3@85-90% of 1RM
STRENGTH HSPU EMOM 10 mins 3-7 Strict HSPU *Athletes pick a number and work on consistency WOD For Time Nancy 5 Rounds 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats @42.5/30 PEAK Back Squat 5×3@85-90% of 1RM
STRENGTH Front Squat (Test) 20 Mins find 1rm WOD For Time (11 min cap) 210 DU 70 Wall Balls 35 Hang Power Cleans @20/14 @52.5/35 PEAK 2 x 10min Fartlek intervals 1 -min @ 10min Race Pace 1 -min @ Steady pace that allows some recovery *Maintain Nasal breathing the whole session Modality choices: Run-Row-Ski…
WOD Fight Gone Bad! Partner workout one work one rest 3 rounds for max reps of: 2 minute of wall-ball shots 2 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls @ 40 kg/25 kg 2 minute of box jumps 2 minute of push presses @ 40 kg/25 kg 2 minute of rowing (calories) Rest 2 minute
STRENGTH Ring Dip 5×5 Strict Ring Dips Immediately into 5-10 kipping ring dips Rest 90 secnds – 2 minutes between attempts WOD 4 Rounds 800m Run 10 Box Jumps 4 Rope Climbs 10 Box Jumps @30/24 PEAK Back Squat Find New 5RM Back Squat
STRENGTH Pull Up 6×4 Weighted Pull Ups Rest 90 seconds between attempts WOD For Time (12-15 min cap) 12 DB Snatch 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpees to Target @22.5/15 PEAK Strict Press 3×10@77.5% Inbetween complete: Farmer’s Carry 5×50′ As heavy as possible
STRENGTH Clean and Jerk 20 Mins Find 1RM WOD For Time (9 min csap) 21-15-9 Front Squats HSPU @60/40 PEAK For Time: 20 Calorie Assault Bike 7 Muscle Ups 20 Double KB Snatch 50/35 (24/16) 7 Muscle ups 20 Double KB Snatch 50/35 (24/16) 7 Muscle ups 20 Calorie Assault Bike
CORE TTB 5×3 Strict TTB into 10 Kipping TTB 0:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 WOD 18 Min AMRAP 100 DU 25/18 Cal Row 400m Run PEAK 4 Rounds 15 GHD Sit ups 5 Squat Cleans 205/135lbs (93/61) 2 Legless Rope Climbs
STRENGTH Bench 5×5 @80% of 1RM 000,200,400,600,800 WOD For Time (9 min cap) “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull Ups @42.5/35 PEAK Back Squat 5×5@87.5% of 5RM
STRENGTH Snatch 20 Mins Find 1RM WOD 7 Min AMRAP 3 Squat Cleans 7 HSPU @60/42.5 (135/95) PEAK Back Squat Find New 5RM Back Squat
STRENGTH Ring Dip 8×5 Negative Ring Dips Rest 90 seconds between attempts *4 Second negative WOD For Time (15 min cap) 10 Rounds 200m Run 3 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups PEAK 4 Rounds: 20 Toes to bar 15 Double Kettlebell Snatch 50/35 (24/16) Rest :90