Wednesday 24 July 2019

Strength Bench Press 20 Mins to find 1rm * WOD 9 Min AMRAP 21 Pull Ups 15 Hang DB Clean and Jerk 9 Goblet Squats @25/15kg * PEAK Strength Circuit 4 Rounds not for time: 10 x Seated DB Strict Press Choose a weight you can achieve 15 reps with, should be around 40%-50% of…

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Strength Bulgarian Split Squats 5×16 DBL DB (Heavy) Superset with 12 Weighted Back Extensions 000,300,600,900,1200 * WOD 8 Min AMRAP 3 Wall Walks 15 Box Jumps 24/20′ * PEAK Snatch 5 x 2 Snatch (start at 65% and increase each set) NOTE: 2 second pause just below knees 3 x 3 snatch pulls @ 100%-110%…