Friday 17 June 2016
Mobility 10 Mins WOD- Angie For Time 100 Pull-Ups 100 Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups 100 Air Squats
Mobility 10 Mins WOD- Angie For Time 100 Pull-Ups 100 Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups 100 Air Squats
Running 6 Rounds/1 Min Rest between Rounds 400m Run 15 Burpees WOD THE AIR FORCE WOD 20 Thrusters 40/25kg 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40/25kg 20 Push Jerks 40/25kg 20 Overhead Squats 40/25kg 20 Front Squats 40/25kg The athlete must perform 4 burpees every minute on the minute until completion. This includes beginning the…
Strength Overhead Squat 5X5 @65% 1 Rm WOD EMOM 20 minutes (Alternate movements) 2 Hang Squat Cleans AHAP (80% or more) 6 HSPU or 30 second handstand hold
Strength Back Squat Conga Line!!!! PR City here we come Interval 4 Rounds Max body blasters* in 90 seconds Rest 30 seconds *A body blaster is a burpee up into a chest to bar pull-up, into a toe to bar. All three must be consecutive for the rep to count. You may not use…
Strength Push Press 5X5 @ 70% Interval Emom 6 Mins 3 Ring Muscle Ups or 5 Bar Muscle Ups or 6 Strict Pull Ups or 10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows WOD Amrap 12 Mins 10 Shoulder to Overhead 50/30kg 12 Push Ups 14 T2B
Mobility 15 Mins WOD- Partner 2 Rounds for Time 200m Run 100 KB Swings 24/16kg 200m Run 80 Burpees 200m Run 60 Box Jumps 24/20′ 200m Run 40 Squats 200m Run 20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs 200m Run 10 Pull Ups *Partners must complete runs together
Mobility 15 Mins WOD Partner 25 Min Amrap 40 Wall Balls 20/14lbs 50 Burpees 60 Air Squats 70 KBS 24/16kg 800m Run One person works at a time. All of the reps of all of the movements must be done in order and completed before moving on to the next movement. Split ups reps…
Skill Running Interval 8min Emom 20 Squats(odd) 20 Lying Hand Claps(even) WOD 5 Rounds 10 HSPUs 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20′
Strength Overhead Squat 5X5 @65% 1 Rm WOD 5 Rounds 15 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′ 50 Double Unders
Strength Push Press 5X5 @65% 1Rm WOD 6 Min Amrap 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Pull Ups Rest 5 Mins 5 Min Amrap 10 Front Squats 50/35kg 10 Bar Hop Burpees Anybody recovering from Siege of Ennis at the weekend hit up an easy row and a RomWod session