Saturday 20 September 2014
Mobility 15mins WOD-Teams of 4 25min Amrap- Pace Horse Run 200m Push Ups Run 200m Wall Balls 20/14lbs Run 200m Box Jumps 24/20″ Run 200m Burpees Run 200m Sit Ups
Mobility 15mins WOD-Teams of 4 25min Amrap- Pace Horse Run 200m Push Ups Run 200m Wall Balls 20/14lbs Run 200m Box Jumps 24/20″ Run 200m Burpees Run 200m Sit Ups
Mobility-15mins WOD-Partner 50 Wall Balls 20/14lbs Run 200m 50 Box Jumps 42/20′ Run 200m 50 Pull Ups Run 200m 50 Power Cleans 60/40kg Run 200m 50 KB Swing 24/16kg Run 200m Partners must run together 1 person working at a time on movements
Strength Deadlift 5X5 WOD 14.1 RE Do 10min Amrap 30 Double Unders 15 Power Snatch 35/25kg
Skill Med Ball Clean WOD 1 8-1 Ladder Front Squats 50/35kg Bar Hop Burpees Rest 5mins WOD 2 21/15/9 Med Ball Over Burpee
Strength Week 1 of 6 Bench Press WOD 5 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlifts 60/35kg 9 Hang Power Cleans 60/35kg 6 S2OH 60/35kg
Skill Double Unders WOD 20 Hang squat cleans 50/30kg 20 Front Rack walking lunges 50/30kg 20 S2OH 50/30kg 20 Hand release push ups 20 Down Ups 20 Empty bar thrusters(30kg men)
Mobility 15mins WOD Teams of 4 3mins work, 1min rest, change KB Swing 24/16kg GHD Sit Up Air Squat Pull Up Wall Ball 20/14lbs Box Jump 24/20′ Thruster 40/25kg Push Up Burpee Plank Builder Power Clean 60/40kg Max 2 people working at a time Score is total reps
Mobility 15mins WOD Run 800m ‘Cindy’ Run 800m
Strength Deadlift 5×5 WOD 5 Rounds for Time Run 400m 15 Thrusters 40/25kg 10 Push Press 5 Ring/Box Dip
Strength EMOM 20mins 5 x Pull Ups 5 x OHS WOD 21/15/9 3 Rounds for Time American KB Swing 24/16kg Burpee Pull Up