Saturday 8 March

Skill Overhead Squat Practice Chest to Bar Pull Ups Practice WOD 14.2 2 Rounds every 3mins 10 X OHS 43/30kg 10 X C2B Pull Ups 12 X OHS 43/30kg 12 X C2B Pull Ups 14 X OHS 43/30kg 14 X C2B Pull Ups Continue until you fail to finish a round Workout will be scaled…

Friday 7 March

Skill Practice for 14.2 If you are doing the open, practice for it, do not do the WOD WOD 3 Rounds for Time 5 Pull Ups 10 Hollow Rocks 5 Pull Ups 10 Med Ball Cleans 5 Pull Ups 10 KB Swings 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 5 Pull Ups 10 Air Squats 5…